
The fast, efficient and helpful Customweb team solved our problems in a short time. As a new Magento user, we got stuck in the middle when adding the payments module and badly needed help to solve our problems. We highly recommend this company and will turn to them again in the future.

Thomas Meinl, Geschäftsführer (Meinl Kaffee)

Selling Events (Ticketing & Print @ Home)

Selling training courses or seminars poses a big problem to many of the conventional shop systems, as they are mostly targeted towards the distribution of physical goods. Those shops which are, however, capable of selling events, often encounter various unnecessary restrictions. We would like to show you that it can be different.

Verkauf von Schulungen oder Seminare

Der Verkauf von Schulung oder Seminare stellt viele konventionelle Shopsysteme vor grössere Probleme, da diese normalerweise auf den Verkauf physischer Güter ausgerichtet sind. Diejenigen Online Shops, welche dennoch in der Lage sind, Events zu verkaufen, erleben oft diverse unnötige Restriktionen. Wir zeigen Ihnen hier, dass es auch anders geht.

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