
Die customweb GmbH hatte die Implementation der PostFinance Schnittstelle schnell, unkompliziert und dazu noch preiswert in unserem Onlineshop www.luftentfeuchter-shop.ch, integriert. Dies erlaubte es uns auf unser Kerngeschäft zu konzentrieren. Erstaunlich war auch, dass unser Shop während der Implementation immer online war und uns dadurch keine Umsätze entgingen. Wenn es um E-Payment Integration geht, so kann ich customweb bestens empfehlen.

Robert Aeschbacher, Geschäftsführer (luftentfeuchter-Shop.ch)

Saferpay e-payment solutions for professionals and beginners

Saferpay integrates all popular payment means in your Web shop through a single interface. This makes it easy to make adaptations and upgrades. What’s more, Saferpay enables the secure online processing of written and phone orders.


Saferpay has become the standard for secure and reliable payment transactions on the Internet in the German-speaking region of Europe. Saferpay customers have confirmed that they have improved customer satisfaction through use of the Saferpay e-payment solutions and boosted customer confidence – with measurable results.

More than 8,500 merchants trust in Saferpay!


Partner, Saferpay