
Wir haben die customweb in der Entwicklungsphase unseres Shops sowie auch im späteren Betrieb als äusserst kompetenten, flexiblen, verlässlichen und kundenorientierten Partner erfahren.

Norber Gmür, Geschäftsführer (Kirin Medical)

The invoice is the oldest, most widespread and most accepted payment mode on the Internet. Among other, this is due to the transfer of risk and of payment.

The payment via invoice is comfortable and safe for the customer, as it must only be paid once the goods have been delivered and checked. Furthermore, it is up to the customer to decide upon the moment of payment. However, high bank charges may arise with payments abroad.

Among many online salespeople, however, the invoice is not very popular due to administrative costs and, moreover, the default-risk. Newer services offer an efficient handling of this topic. We would like to introduce you to two such features:

  • The e-invoice facilitates the administrative costs for the customer as well as for the operator. Invoices are directly sent via e-banking
  • The debtor management and the credit assessment guarantees safer payments and collection, as well as other services such as the factoring


The new procedure of the e-invoice is much more up-to-date and much more efficient. With e-invoicing you may receive invoices electronically vial e-banking and pay with one click of your mouse, as long as the invoice issuer and the financial institution support this function. In Switzerland this feature is suited, above all, for companies with a large number of invoices. Furthermore, the entire logistical process concerning the mailing of paper invoices is eliminated. You will find further information on the homepage of e-invoice.

Credit Assessment and Debtor Management

In order to evaluate the creditworthiness of a buyer one may fall back onto service providers such as curabill, as long as the invoice amount justifies the arising fees. The information to the credit rating are based predominantly on collected customer information from payment experiences of other online shops and debt collection offices. Should no such information (as for example with new customers) be available, then the first credit assessment may occur based on the address information. Although some fees are charged, they do not carry weight even with smaller invoice amounts. These systems allow you to process simple as well as highly complex invoice models.


  • Factoring – You agree upon a fixed discount with your credit institution according to the risk class and then automatically cede all your claims (by means of a cession OR 164ff.) to the credit institution. In exchange you will always receive the invoice amount on time.
  • Debtor Management – Your credit check institution takes over the automatic credit assessment and the entire invoicing in advance. You will then receive payments onto your account within fixed intervals and may decide directly via a administrative platform for which invoices you wish to send a reminder

In this context, customweb works together with curabill plc and offers you connections and interfaces for numerous online shops in our online shop. You can find further information about curabill and debtor management in our knowledge section.


Invoice, curabill