
Die Arbeit von customweb ist absolut Top. Das Shopmodul wurde perfekt eingebunden und genau nach meinen Wünschen umgesetzt. Die Kommunikation war hervorragend, ich bin wirklich begeistert wie schnell alles zu meiner Zufriedenheit erledigt wurde.

Markus Wermelinger, Geschäftsführer (iPhonehilfe.ch)

Mon, 03/11/2013

WooThemes has released its newest version of the WordPress shop-system WooCommerce. Simultaneous with the release we have made sure that our modules are fully compatible with the new version and support all integrated features.

The new WordPress WooCommerce 2.0. is now available online. Besides various bug-fixes, several essential new features have been integrated, guaranteeing an efficient and flexible operation of your shop-system. We have listed some of the most important updates:

  • An individual fee can be specified for each payment method.
  • The "Product Factory" provides an improved product administration interface with extended functionalities.
  • Changes in the code allow for a faster processing of orders.
  • The new "Product Images Panel" simplifies the editing of product images and galleries.
  • Order-mails can be re-sent.
  • Refunds can be handled directly within the shop-system, provided this option is supported by the PSP.

All customweb modules are already completely compatible with WooCommerce 2.0. Test the modules in our WooCommerce 2.0 demo-shop.

If you still have an ongoing support contract then the upgrade is at your disposal for free in your customer account. In case you are not sure about the expiry of your contract, you can also look up all information in the shop and, if needed, directly renew the module for another year.

Here you can find the matching module for your Payment Service Provider:

In case of further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will gladly be of your service.


WordPress, woocommerce, update, release