customweb hat unsere Anforderungen schnell und unbürokratisch umgesetzt. Insbesondere die Anpassung der Shop-Oberfläche an unsere Corporate Identity hat uns überzeugt.
Jürg Baumann, Leiter HPC (Swisscom)
The Shopware 4 payment extension is now available on: http://www.sellxed.com/shop/de/shopware-saferpay-zahlungs-plugin.html to purchase.
New features
The module comes with many new features. Among other things, a manual payment capturing process is included. The capturing of the transactions can be controlled depending on the order status. Once an order is then moved to a predefined order state the customer's credit card will be charged.
In addition, the module will pursues the gateway principle. In other words, each payment method will be individually displayed in the checkout process and can also be configured individually. This offers you the possibility to show to your customers already during the checkout process which payment methods are supported.