
Die customweb GmbH hatte die Implementation der PostFinance Schnittstelle schnell, unkompliziert und dazu noch preiswert in unserem Onlineshop www.luftentfeuchter-shop.ch, integriert. Dies erlaubte es uns auf unser Kerngeschäft zu konzentrieren. Erstaunlich war auch, dass unser Shop während der Implementation immer online war und uns dadurch keine Umsätze entgingen. Wenn es um E-Payment Integration geht, so kann ich customweb bestens empfehlen.

Robert Aeschbacher, Geschäftsführer (luftentfeuchter-Shop.ch)

Fri, 08/16/2013

An entirely re-worked Shopware 4 payment module is now available. Besides the integration of new Payment Service Provider, we have also added numerous new features. For example; the module is now completely compatible with the Abo Commerce Extension of Shopware.

The novelties and features in an overview:

  • The authorisation via Payment Page has been improved and now permits the individual configuration for each Shopware Subshop
  • Hidden Authorisation - No redirection to the Payment Service Provider is required
  • Transaction Management can now be handled directly from within the shop
  • Token Integration; for the secure saving of credit card data
  • Selling of subscriptions due to the application of Abo Commerce

Furthermore, the Shopware Plugin is now also available for Sage Pay as well as for Datatrans in our shop.

More detailed information on the individual features and functions can be found in our sellXed Blog.


Shopware, Datatrans, Sage Pay, sellxed