Unsere regelmässige Zusammenarbeit mit customweb verläuft stehts zufriedenstellend. Wir schätzen vor allem die pragmatischen und innovativen Lösungsansätze und Vorschläge, sowie deren zuverlässige Umsetzung.
Jochen Weigel, Geschäftsführer (Kingworx GmbH)
Project management is, therefore, a wholistic management system which includes all the important points for the successful processing of a project. Project management relies on defined formal processes in oder to guarantee an efficient procedure. The course of action is, hereby, divided into specific sections. Below you can find one possible sequence:
- Information phase: clarification of the goals of the project
- Conceptional phase: Formation of on or several drafts in order to make a definitive decision after a thorough analysis and evaluation
- Definition phase: Definition of the characteristics and goals of the project
- Development phase: Detailed elaboration of the overall and individual tasks based on already defined data
- Prototype phase: Conception and building of a prototype
- Manufacturing phase: Final building of the prototype and preparation of a serial product
- Phase of use: Handover of the project to the client
Why project management?
Useful project mostly fail due to a lacking project management. This can happen in various ways. An important example for this is the correct distribution of resources. Bad project management can lead to the point where good employees are overburdened and not deployable for other tasks. A large project requires a lot of time and energy. The resources at hand must be assessed and specifically appointed in order to reach the long termed goal.
The Magical Square
The illustrated square represents the above example of the distribution of resources. It includes four variables 'time' (project course), 'money' (budget), 'Scope' (amount of delivered functions) and 'quality' (e.g. functionality, usability). The rule here is: The more outside on the square, the better the result.
'Scope' and 'qualities' are represented in a direct correlation (more=more) and 'time' and 'money' in an indirect correlation (less=more). For example: More quality and less money results in a better outcome.
The aim of every project manager is, of course, to maintain the variables at their best position. You will see, however, that if you move one of the ends on the graphic the entire square will change. For example: if less money and time is invested, the quality and scope will diminish, too.
customweb Project management
We, however, offer you more than other companies, because our project management differs from the common project management. It is our goal to maintain the level of quality, no matter how the variables may change. Customweb, therefore, guarantees that you will receive the same quality under special circumstances as you would in the case of an optimal distribution of resources.