The fast, efficient and helpful Customweb team solved our problems in a short time. As a new Magento user, we got stuck in the middle when adding the payments module and badly needed help to solve our problems. We highly recommend this company and will turn to them again in the future.
Thomas Meinl, Geschäftsführer (Meinl Kaffee)
xt:Commerce / Gambio GX / xtc:Modified Alias Manager Support
Submitted by Sascha Krüsi on Fr, 2013-01-25 11:52What's the alias manager
The alias manager allows you to store customer credit card data in the pci-secure enviroment of your PSP. The alias manager means more convenience for your customer, because he does not need to enter his credit card data again for the following purchases.
This is how it looks.
At the first order, the customer is asked whether he wants to store the credit card information at the PSP:
Alias Manager, credit card, Payment Gateway, Ogone, PostFinance, ConCardis
xt:Commerce / Gambio GX / xtc:Modified Alias Manager Support
Submitted by Sascha Krüsi on Fr, 2013-01-25 11:18Was ist der Alias Manager
Der Alias Manager bietet für Ihre Kunden Convenience. Bei Folgekäufen muss der Kunde seine Kreditkartendaten nicht erneut eingeben, sondern nur noch seinen CVC Code und das Verfallsdatum eintragen. Die Kreditkartendaten werden nicht beim Händler, sondern im PCI-Zertifiziertem Umfeld des PSP gespeichert.
Und so sieht das Ganze im Betrieb aus:
Alias Manager, credit card, Payment Gateway, Ogone, PostFinance, ConCardis