
Die customweb GmbH hatte die Implementation der PostFinance Schnittstelle schnell, unkompliziert und dazu noch preiswert in unserem Onlineshop www.luftentfeuchter-shop.ch, integriert. Dies erlaubte es uns auf unser Kerngeschäft zu konzentrieren. Erstaunlich war auch, dass unser Shop während der Implementation immer online war und uns dadurch keine Umsätze entgingen. Wenn es um E-Payment Integration geht, so kann ich customweb bestens empfehlen.

Robert Aeschbacher, Geschäftsführer (luftentfeuchter-Shop.ch)

customweb guarantees the right choice and adaptation of your web application, in order to find the optimal solution for your needs. We work together with leading software developers of various sectors and are familiar with the success factors of the respective product choice.

We take care of applying international standards, in order to secure the harmonious interaction of the individual systems and to implement these optimally into the existing environment.

As our client you profit from our tailored solutions – and this at profitable prices with an optimum operational dependability. In order to be able to keep these promises, we rely on our long lasting partnerships. Our software partners provide aligned solutions for the various customer needs:

