The fast, efficient and helpful Customweb team solved our problems in a short time. As a new Magento user, we got stuck in the middle when adding the payments module and badly needed help to solve our problems. We highly recommend this company and will turn to them again in the future.
Thomas Meinl, Geschäftsführer (Meinl Kaffee)
All this might sound complicated and confusing. We try to give you a quick overview about what is changing for you in case you are an CPI-customer or a barclaycard ePDQ customer.
In case you are not sure whether you are already on the new platform, there is a simple hint to find it out. After your application you received a letter containing your access codes and a PSPID which normally looks something like this: epdqXXXXXX and you are told to log on the following page: https://payments.epdq.co.uk/. In this case there will be no changes for you. All you have to do is to find your suitable payment extension and start to sell your products.
All payment extensions sold by customweb are already compatible with the new Barclaycard ePDQ. You find the acutual assortment of available extensions here: http://www.customweb.com/shop/en/extensions/module/payment-service-provi...
For more information about the product itself, visit Barclaycard's product information page: http://www.barclaycard.co.uk/business/accepting-payments/epdq-ecomm/
These products are being withdrawn. You will be soon contacted by Barclaycard with information about the new product. However, our payment extensions do not work with the old CPI interface.
barclaycard ePDQ, barclaycard ePDQ CPI, Payment, credit cart